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In the thick of open enrollment season, savvy employers and benefit advisers have eased the onslaught of information with complex benefit jargon by spreading out employee sign-up before the mad fall rush. Employee Benefit Adviser spoke with Jeffrey Faber, HUB International Midwest’s chief operating officer,...

With the Senate's plan for the repeal and replacement of the ACA failing more Americans are hoping for Congress to move on to more pressing matters. Find out how Americans really feel about the ACA and healthcare reform in this great study conducted by the...

Millennials and Generation X have a lot more in common than they think. Find out about the major issues that millennials and generation x faces financially in the great article from Employee Benefit News by Amanda Eisenberg. From student loans and credit card debt to creating...

Did you know that your emotional and physical well-being can take a hit when you are under financial stress?  Here is an interesting article from Employee Benefits Advisors about the correlation between financial stress and mental and physical health by Amanda Eisenberg. Americans aren’t able to...

Great article from our partner, United Benefit Advisors (UBA) about which states are the best/worst for group health care by Matt Weimer. Also make sure to register for our upcoming UBA webinar on Tuesday, February 21 at 2:00 p.m. ET. The topic will be a case...

Do you know which medical conditions are driving your healthcare cost? Check out this great article from Employee Benefits Advisor about the cost associated with your employer healthcare by Phil Albinus Healthcare costs surrounding diabetes reached $101 billion in diagnoses and treatments over the past 18...

Great article from the Kaiser Family Foundation about Americans thoughts on ACA repeal by Ashley Kirzinger, Bryan Wu, and Mollyann Brodie KEY FINDINGS: The latest Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds that health care is among the top issues, with the economy and jobs and immigration, Americans...

Great article from Kaiser Health News about ACA enrollment by Phil Galewitz Despite the Affordable Care Act’s rising prices, decreased insurer participation and a vigorous political threat to its survival, consumer enrollment for 2017 is outpacing last year’s, according to new federal data and reports from...

Great article from our partner, United Benefit Advisors (UBA) by Kaycee Eaton Wearable fitness devices have been a hot topic in health and wellness for a few years now, but what kind of impact have wearables really had on improving health outcomes? Wearable fitness devices can...

Great article from our partner, United Benefit Advisors (UBA) by Danielle Capilla The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) imposes a penalty on “large” employers that either do not offer “minimum essential” (basic medical) coverage, or who offer coverage that is not affordable (the employee’s...