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Sixty-three percent of millennials would struggle to cover an unexpected expense of $500, and only six percent of millennials feel like they make enough to cover their basic needs, according to the Economic Innovation Group. Many employers are now tailoring their job postings, descriptions and...

What benefits do your employees want? A one-size-fits-all benefits plan doesn't cut it in this age of the multigenerational workforce and a tight labor market. A multigenerational workforce means that employees will no longer find the run-of-the-mill benefits plans adequate. Continue reading for six voluntary...

Financial wellness programs are becoming a stable employer-sponsored benefit, leaving many organizations implementing programs that only offer a few tools or resources. Read this blog post from Employee Benefit Advisor for key elements to consider when researching financial wellness programs. ...

Forty-three percent of hourly workers report having less than $400 in savings set aside for emergencies. For these workers, an accident or unexpected expense can be financially devastating. Read this blog post to learn more about employer-sponsored savings programs and how they could be the...