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Do you receive your healthcare through an employer? Then take a look at this article from Benefits Pro about how the passing of the AHCA will affect employees who get their healthcare through an employer by Marlene Y. Satter. It’s not just individuals without employer health coverage...

Do you need help understanding all the aspects of Medicaid? Check out this informative article by Julia Paradise from Kaiser Family Foundation about the 10 most important things you must know when dealing with Medicaid. Medicaid, the nation’s public health insurance program for low-income children, adults,...

The House of Representatives last week passed the American Health Care Act (AHCA) bill to begin the process of repealing the ACA. Find out what this new legislation means for employers in the great article from Employee Benefits Adviser by Daniel N. Kuperstein. The extremely emotional...

Great article from our partner, United Benefit Advisors (UBA) by Michael Weiskirch. One might describe the series of events leading to the death of the American Health Care Act (Congress’s bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act) as something like a ballistic missile exploding...

Medicaid has played a large role in the life of many Americans. By using federal money low-income Americans are able to receive healthcare. Take a look at this article by Kaiser Family Foundation and see how Medicaid's dollars are spent to help provide low-income Americans...

With the passing of the AHCA, the ACA is now the norm for employers' healthcare. Find out what employers need to know about ACA and how it will affect them in the future in this interesting article from Think Hr by Laura Kerekes. The Trump administration’s...

Find out about the current landscape of Medicaid and how the repeal ACA will impact certain aspects of Medicaid in this great article by Kaiser Family Foundation. As the Trump Administration and Congress weigh major changes to Medicaid and programs that fund reproductive health care, new...

Under Internal Revenue Code Section 105(h), a self-insured medical reimbursement plan must pass two nondiscrimination tests. Failure to pass either test means that the favorable tax treatment for highly compensated individuals who participate in the plan will be lost. The Section 105(h) rules only affect...

Make sure to stay up-to-date with the most recent rules and regulations from April regarding healthcare legislation thanks to our partners at United Benefit Advisors (UBA). In April, government agencies ramped up their activities by issuing a final rule, updating guidance, and announcing increased Health Insurance...