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Mobile Device HR Apps

Source: United Benefit Advisors (UBA)

Most people today have at least one — if not more — mobile devices. Smartphones, full-size tablets, mini tablets, “phablets” (smartphones that are usually larger in size and can do more functions than a typical phone), hand-held computers, and wearable technology are fully integrated into most people’s lives. Desktops and even laptops are considered relics nowadays by the up-and-coming college graduates.

This is why more and more employees are utilizing human resource applications (HR apps) as their preferred way of accessing information.

For example, they can view:

  • Pay stubs
  • Tax statements
  • Time off requests
  • Attendance and time on the clock
  • Benefit information
  • Retirement accounts

Companies and their HR departments should begin providing apps as a new channel to satisfy the next generation of this wirelessly connected workforce. In addition to how employees benefit from these HR apps, employers also benefit by providing the latest human resource information quickly, efficiently, at any time and from any place. Furthermore, mobile applications are an easily scalable platform for any size business.

In a SHRM: Society for Human Resource Management article, the ability of employers to meet the expectations of members of the behavioral demographic known as “#GenMobile,” will determine whether they can obtain and retain top talent. After all, the perception among this demographic is that if a company is not adopting the latest technology, then they’re behind the times and will consequently be surpassed by companies that are more technologically advanced.

The article also shed light on the evolution of HR communications from face-to-face, to kiosks, desktops, laptops, and now to mobile devices. No matter the role of the staff member, from white-collar employee to construction worker, that person no longer needs to be tethered to a physical location in order to get relevant HR information.