COVID-19 Compliance Considerations for 2021
Join ClearPath for the next Clear60 event as we discuss the COVID-19 Compliance Considerations for Group Health Plans in 2021. Due to the pandemic, Congress has issued legislation affecting requirements. Federal agencies have issued guidance, as well as permissive changes that can be implemented. Join us as we dig into the employer obligations regarding compliance changes and relief during COVID-19.
- Overview of requirements under FFCRA as amended by the CARES Act
- Prohibition on Cost Sharing for COVID diagnostic testing and qualifying preventative services
- Review of important timelines impacting group health plans
- What plans may cover telehealth services without meeting deductibles
- Reimbursement of over-the-counter medicines, drugs and female sanitary products
- Deadline extensions under DOL and IRS final rule
- Relief available under EBSA Disaster Relief Notice and deadlines
- Wellness program rewards amid COVID
- Document amendment considerations due to COVID

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