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Great article from our partner, United Benefit Advisors (UBA) about the changes coming to employee benefits by Pat McClelland There is no denying our industry is changing rapidly, and it’s not about to slow down. Combined with disruptive advances in technology and evolving consumer expectations, we’re...

There are many different ways to attracted new talent to your workplace. Take a peek at this freat article from Employee Benefits Advisors about which benefits are best for attracting new talent by Paula Aven Glagych Live trees indoors, pets at work and an in-office happy...

Does the implementation of the AHCA have you worried about your employee benefits? Take a looka this great article from Employee Benefit News about what the implementaion of the AHCA will mean for employers by Joel Wood. In breaking down the Congressional Budget Office’s assessment of...

Does the repeal of the ACA have you worried? Checkout this great article about some of the changes that will come with the repeal of the ACA by Jared Bilski. A draft of the Republicans’ Affordable Care Act (ACA) replacement bill that was leaked to the public...

Are you properly investing in your health saving account. Take a look at the this article from Benefits Pro about the importance of saving money for your healthcare by Reese Feuerman For all ages, it's imperative to balance near-term and long-term savings goals, but the makeup...

Are you looking for a new solution for cutting your healthcare cost? Take a look at the great article from Employee Benefits Advisor about what other employers are doing to cut their cost healthcare cost by Phil Albinus As employers await a new health plan to...

Great article from our partner, United Benefit Advisors (UBA) abut the change coming to the ACA thanks to PACE by Vicki Randall Last fall, President Barack Obama signed the Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees Act (PACE), which preserved the historical definition of small employer to mean an employer...

The employer and broker roles could be on the verge of changing due to HSA expansion. Take a look at this article from Employee Benefits Advisor about some changes that could take place by Phil Albinus As Congress moves to repeal and replace the Affordable Care...

Make sure to stay updated with all the recent rules and regulation regarding the ACA, thanks to our partners at United Benefits Advisor (UBA). A Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) is four page (double-sided) communication required by the federal government. It must contain specific information,...

Did you know that a lot of your employees may be unaware of the health care options your company offers? Take a peek at this great article from HR Morning on how to improve your employees knowledge of their healthcare options by Jared Bilski As an...