COVID Vaccine Mandates: Employer Considerations
Join ClearPath for the next Clear60 event, as we address the COVID Vaccine Mandate and things employers should consider as they wait for the ETS from OSHA to be released, and more specifically the best practices for handling mandate and surcharge issues. Diving into important employer considerations from preparation to implementation to compliance, this webinar is not one to miss.
There is no cost to attend this event. Seats are limited to availability. Once registered, additional event details for the day of the event will be sent to you via email.
During this session, we will discuss:
- Who will be impacted by the vaccine mandate and how employees will be counted
- Recommendations on creating policies and procedures
- Concerns surrounding testing requirements, such as cost and timing
- Considerations for surcharges as part of a wellness program, implementation of surcharges, and potential ACA affordability issues
- Reasonable accommodations and exemptions
- HIPAA considerations
Please note: The webinar will reflect the most recent guidance reasonably available at the time of presentation. In the event the ETS is issued, or other developments arise that have an impact on this topic, adjustments will be made where possible.

This webinar event has been sent for approval by the Human Resource Certification Institute and the Society for Human Resource Management to qualify for 1 recertification credit hour.

Micah DickieAssociate - Fisher Phillips
Micah Dickie is a litigator in Fisher Phillips’ Atlanta office. As a member of the firm’s Workplace Safety and Catastrophe Management Practice Group, Micah represents clients during safety and health inspections by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and defends them during contested OSHA matters. As part of the firm’s COVID-19 Taskforce and Vaccine Subcommittee, Micah advises employers on the many workplace law aspects of COVID-19.
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