Getting It Right: ACA Counting, Tracking, and Reporting
Getting it Right: ACA Counting Tracking, and Reporting
Join ClearPath for the next Clear60 event to learn who to include, how to count, and when to track employees for ACA reporting.
Gain insights into:
- Avoiding common errors in ACA coding
- Mastering lookback, measurement, and stability periods
- Coordinating with sister companies, controlled groups, and M&A environments
Take Away Answers to these FAQ :
- What should be done in preparation for becoming an applicable large employer?
- Where do gig workers fit in?
- How have electronic submission requirements changed?
There is no cost to attend this event. Seats are limited to availability. Once registered, additional event details for the day of the event will be sent to you via email.

This webinar event is approved by the Human Resource Certification Institute and the Society for Human Resource Management to qualify for 1 recertification credit hour.

John Schembari- Kutak Rock
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