29 Oct Survey Says … HR Tech Spending on Rise
The Sierra-Cedar Survey unveiled at the HR Technology® Conference shows HR-tech spending on the rise. Find out more here...
The Sierra-Cedar Survey unveiled at the HR Technology® Conference shows HR-tech spending on the rise. Find out more here...
Is technology the American worker's friend or foe? Read full article here…...
There's still ongoing problems and security issues plaguing the health care law. Read more...
Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) and it's a concept that's gaining in popularity among most major companies, especially those that allow telecommuting. Find out why...
Most people today have at least one -- if not more -- mobile devices. This is why more and more employees are utilizing human resource applications (HR apps) as their preferred way of accessing information....
American businesses need to fortify their protections against information security threats. In a recent flash survey of American office workers, Stroz Friedberg explored the state of information security in U.S. businesses. The reality is rather bleak. Read full report...
HR pros are taking innovative practices such as gamification and bringing game-like elements to non-game tasks. Read more...
Business.USA.gov/healthcare offers a "wizard," or interactive tool, that offers to help business owners understand what they need to know about the new PPACA insurance options in a few quick steps....
Virtual training is an effective new way to train…as long as learners are ready to engage with the new training environment....
Large employers are fueling increased adoption of social-learning tools, such as internal employee blogs, wikis and online expert communities. ...