Leveraging Medical Loss Ratio Rebates
Join ClearPath for the next Clear60 event as we discuss the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) and Medical Loss Ratio rebates, as well as other insurance refunds and options related to those refunds. Some of the discussion points we will cover are:
- What is the MLR?
- When are employers entitled to a rebate?
- Factors when you have employees in multiple states
- Dividing the rebate between the employer and employees
- How much of the rebate can you keep?
- Factoring in former plan participants and COBRA participants
- When can an employer keep the entire rebate?
- Using the rebate for ERISA plans and non-ERISA plans
- Timing and Distribution of the plan participant portion
- Tax treatment of the various methods of distribution
- Receiving a rebate for one insurance policy when you have multiple policies
- Use and distribution of an insurer refund that is not an MLR rebate
- Plan documents for MLR rebates and other insurer refunds

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