12 Sep Putting health coverage within reach
The Basic Health Program being considered by California lawmakers would put insurance within reach of more of the working poor....
The Basic Health Program being considered by California lawmakers would put insurance within reach of more of the working poor....
Employer-based coverage has some real virtues, and if Washington is going to be involved in that effort it should facilitate the employers’ undertaking, not make it unduly costly and burdensome....
"The way the law has been implemented has been a mixed picture," says Paul Dennett, senior vice president of health care reform at the American Benefits Council....
For active employees, though, the “new health care world” that Mercer sees will feature greater focus on defined contribution plans that limit employers’ liability....
Other research has predicted that even more firms will drop coverage, letting employees buy insurance on their own through the online marketplaces, or exchanges, that will be established. ...
Healthcare benefits have been under pressure for years, costing employers more while at the same time placing a greater affliction on employees....