26 Jun Risk Management – Art or Science?
Find out why business operations and IT operations have different views on how risk management is determined. ...
Find out why business operations and IT operations have different views on how risk management is determined. ...
With more than 500 work-related back injuries reported every day in U.S. workplaces, it's no wonder you need to be concerned about preventing employee back injuries....
Health plans are being evaluated by the simplest measures rather than ones that dig deeper. For most purchasers of the plans, this only frustrates efforts to control costs and facilitate better outcomes for those covered....
When people travel to foreign countries, they face any number of potential health risks. While travel to lesser-developed parts of the world may involve increased risk of illness or accidents, business travelers can become injured or sick even in major Western countries....
Here’s how a few of these “million-mile” safe drivers avoid accidents on the road. You may wish to share their strategies with employees and drivers at your place of business....
Slips, trips, and falls are the third largest cause of workplace injuries, contributing to more than 100 million lost workdays and costing nearly $36 billion annually....
New survey reports detailing how U.S. employers are responding to health care reform were released by the Society for Human Resource Management on June 16, 2013, in conjunction with its Annual Conference & Exposition....
We asked an OSHA spokesperson to clarify some misconceptions about inspections, including the idea that the agency has the authority to close down a business. Read more...
“If it can’t be measured, it can’t be managed” is rapidly becoming the operating philosophy of the health care industry, aided in large part by more extensive use of electronic health care records...
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is national legislation, but rates could be substantially different from state to state under the exchange system....